Top 10 Tips to Stay Living IndependentlyIf you’re reading this, you’re most likely thinking about how you or your loved one can stay in your home longer in Sydney or Wollongong. Here at A.P. Care Services we help people stay in their homes longer and live independently. It’s why we exist and it’s what we do very well. Most people who live in the Sydney/Wollongong area don’t want to have to move into a nursing home- we get it. If given the choice, we’d likely all choose to remain in our home for as long as we can.

Sometimes though…we need a little help- and that’s okay.



A lot of people who live independently utilize in home care, aged care services and disability services in Sydney/ Wollongong to help them stay in their homes. So in the interest of helping you or your loved one stay in your Sydney or Wollongong home as long as possible, we put together a few tips:


Maintain Mobility

If you want to stay independent and active- you have to stay healthy and strong. As we age our bodies can’t do what they used to do. You stretch more, groan more, and reach more. You can’t bend as far, walk as long, or flex as much. So what do you do? You stay active and exercise. This could be a simple walk, or a light workout (e.g. stretching, lifting weights, and using the treadmill). Any exercise is better than zero exercise and the more you do, the better you’ll feel and the healthier you’ll be.  Of course ask your doctor before starting.

Keep Your Mind Active

In working with the elderly, A.P. Care Services has come to realize that a healthy mind means a healthy body. The mental is tied to the physical more than most people think. Often times when the mind goes, the body follows. So keep your mind active. This could mean playing chess, reading, or doing puzzles. Anything at all that engages your mind and makes you actively participate and using your brain on a regular basis is more helpful than you may realize.

Watch What You Eat

This one is a no-brainer right? If you eat garbage you feel like garbage. If you eat healthy, you start to become healthy. The key to being able to stay in your home is to be holistically healthy- your mind and your body. Eating clean, healthy, non-toxic food on a regular basis is essential. Your body loves natural healthy food like fruits and vegetables so be sure to eat a lot of them and stay away from processed sugar, frozen foods, and things that will make you wish you never ate them afterwards.

Know Your Medications

A lot of people in the Sydney and Wollongong area end up utilising in home care or aged care services because they don’t keep their meds in order. Some people mix up their medications, take the wrong ones on the wrong days, or don’t take them at all. Having your medications regulated and in order is essential to staying in your home. The consequences of mixing up medications can be serious at best, and deadly at worst. Do your best to keep track of them yourself or have someone you know help you do it.

Fix that House

Do you have a loose tile, shaky stairway banister, or a hazardous shower door? If so fix it. You can’t afford to fall, slip, or get hurt if you want to stay living on your own in your home. Many people in the Sydney area end up getting hurt and having to move into a care facility because they were injured in their own home. This is preventable. Hire a contractor to fix the things in your house that could end up causing harm to you or your loved ones. A safe home makes for safe and happy residents. So don’t put it off- fix it.

Stay Social

Sometimes elderly people are lonely. They get cut off from friends, family, and support and if and when something happens to them or they need help- there’s nobody there. We are hardwired to be social. Elderly residents in Wollongong and Sydney (and every person everywhere) benefit from being social. This could mean being active at the Senior Center, participating in a regular game of cards, or just having a scheduled coffee date with a close friend or neighbor. Being alone can be dangerous for an elderly person. We all need help and we all need friends so do your best to be social and stay social.

Reduce Risks

This one is easy. If your shower is difficult to get into, install a handrail (or two) and modify it to make entering it easier. If you can’t walk down the hallway safely, or reach your kitchen cabinets without risk, it’s time to modify your home. You can install lower cabinets and arrange furniture in a way that is conducive to your safety. You can install a higher toilet, and use non-slip padding in your bathroom. Whatever you need to do to make your home safe- do it. This way you’ll be able to stay in it longer.

Meet Your Neighbours

If you know your neighbours and they know you- you have a built-in support structure. Whether it’s helping you with your meds, checking in on you each week, or just being a friend- knowing your neighbours will only benefit you. If you don’t know them- introduce yourself. If you know them, make sure you socialize with them on a regular basis. Do life together and help one another. When you have neighbours you can count on, staying in your home becomes a lot easier.

Build a Nest-egg

Money. We see a lot of people who deal with financial issues as they age because they can’t afford to stay in their homes any longer. As a result, some people end up having to sell their home or move to a facility and get government assistance. This can be prevented by planning ahead (way ahead) and saving up enough money to maintain an independent lifestyle. If you need assistance the My Aged Care website ( could give you valuable information.

Get Help

Even when you plan, take care of yourself and your house, and do your best to cover all your bases- you still might need help. Maybe it’s helping with household chores, cleaning, running errands, domestic care, social support or cooking. We all get to the point in our lives where a little bit of help is needed so if you’re there now- you have options. Here at A.P. Care Services, we exist to provide in home care for Sydney and Wollongong residents where they live. We provide help, assistance, and do what is needed to help residents maintain an independent lifestyle and stay in their home. If you or a loved one lives in the Wollongong or Sydney area and may need aged care, disability care or homecare services, get in touch with us.

When you need us…. we’re here to help you live a better life.…. as independently as possible.